Wednesday 21 August 2013

Some photo updates!

Hello, everybody! I'm back! Hooray!

First of all I'd like to say that although I haven't been on blogger in a little while (apart from the post earlier today [which I wrote yesterday]) my page views have been absolutely fantastic!
Thank you so much to everyone who has been viewing the blog regularly and helping with recommendations and +1's! You're all great and I love you so much!
Keep the views and the recommendations coming, it means a lot to me. :-)

Now that's out of the way, I would like to give you some updates on Rocco and Savannah.
We've had some very exciting activity, unusual behaviour and fantastic events that I'd like to share with you all.

To start with, the exciting news!
We all know that it's a bit early for Savannah to lay any eggs just yet. Both of my geckos are a little small and a little young, and they've not quite been together a month.
However, we are excited to tell you that Savannah has been burying in the substrate!!! We've done lots of research and gotten a lot of advice on what this could mean, and the only two reasons for burying in the soil are for egg-laying or to help alter body temperature.
I have a very accurate dial thermometer which I check regularly, and know that it cannot be down to the temperature in the vivarium! So it can only be down to one thing... Egg laying!
Savannah definitely is not gravid at the moment, and when stress can be avoided we have been enthusiastically going on egg hunts in the viv (just in case!)
People have suggested that perhaps Savannah is preparing herself for when she does lay eggs. If this is the case, Rocco and Savannah are certainly getting along well. <333

Next, the unusual behaviour.
My partner and I got Savannah out yesterday at feeding time, and he turned to me and said, "Isn't that Rocco?"
I inspected the gecko carefully and thought to myself, 'Am I going mad? Has Rocco shrunk?', for she was a strange dark colour different from her usual gold, and her eyes were wide and hyper. She is usually a light, delicate morph (even when fired up!) with gentle, narrow eyes.
Savannah is extremely chilled out the majority of the time and refrains from much exercise or activity, but she seemed on a complete high that day. With her pupils hugely dilated, she sprinted all over Jack and pounced here and there. At points we almost lost her as she crawled into the smallest spaces she could find. She was far more adventurous than usual.
If anyone has any idea why Savannah might have been suddenly acting this way, please let me know! It was most peculiar!

Lastly, some general news for you.
The pair of them have been eating very well recently, and yesterday Rocco consumed seven meal worms without any fuss.
The day we'd found Savannah buried in the soil, she ate a colossal amount of Crested Gecko Diet! She really went for it, opening her mouth wide as if hunting and pouncing on it. She took the largest chunks I'd ever seen (5 times more than that of her first feed!) and wolfed it all down with no leftovers. She's now grown a tremendous amount and her ribs are becoming less visible by the day, which is terrific.
I'm getting my exam results tomorrow, and it has been a tradition in my family to give an allocated amount of money for each grade in hope to motivate the student for better results. I'm predicted some pretty good grades so I'm hoping for quite a bit of money, which I will spend to buy a larger vivarium for Rocco and Savannah. The old vivarium will then be used when separating the pair at the end of the breeding season, and when they are together some older hatchlings may even use the smaller viv.
We are hoping that the larger vivarium will be large enough to provide a nesting box; we don't quite have enough ground space in our current viv for this. :-(

Now without further ado, here are the pictures and videos from the last week or so!
I hope you enjoy them as much as we have. :-D
 Savannah buried with just her little head poking out, just to the left of the water bowl and under the leaves! Do you see her?

Here she is again, looking very cute. She was licking off some CGD from the leaves - I'm not sure why it was there!
Doesn't she just look adorable?

 Savannah often sits herself on Rocco's back and just chills. Rocco doesn't mind unless her feet go in his eyes, then he gets annoyed and shakes her off. He will sink his eyes into his head to protect them.
So gross yet so cool!

Same here. Look at them! So cute <333 

I love how you can see the bones in Savannah's head on this picture. They always make a capital I or a sideways capital H! 

Whilst hyped up, as I mentioned, Savannah held an adorable pouncy pose on Jack's shirt! Ohhhh, I could have just squished her. She is so adorable and she looks super cool. 

Here's my little poser again from a bit of a distance. Maybe geckos can read Morse code? 

Here's the pair of them chilling out on the spare cork bark outside the viv. They love climbing all over it. You can really see how big they've gotten here, and how dark Savannah was that day!
Savannah is on the left and higher up, Rocco on the right and a little hidden.

Here's my little fired up Savannah perched on the bark. Her markings are really starting to come out now she's growing, and I'm starting to notice some dalmation spots.. Nothing like Rocco's, though! 

...And here's Rocco! He's gotten so big, right!? I can't believe how much he's grown.. I miss my little baby Rocco the first time I held him in the store... He was so smooth back then! Now he's all bumpy! 

Look at Savannah, ready to pounce!
I love her tail here. It is so golden and so pretty, as always.
You can really make out the 'golden cricket' on Rocco's tail here too.

Rocco is really difficult to get pictures of because he's so damn active, but this is him munching on a meal worm. My camera was being really annoying and just would not focus, and it's not very good at capturing movement. But yes, he was eating one of his seven crickets here.
I really should have recorded it like I did with Savannah! 

Haha, I love this action shot, it's fantastic!
Here's Rocco licking his lips after a nice long dinner. Ooh, yum yum! 

Here's my golden girl also licking her lips after her first meal worm of the day.
More, mama, more!

I had trouble uploading the video sadly.

Hope you enjoyed these pictures. They're so cute, aren't they!?
I swear they get more and more adorable everyday, and I love them so much. <333

If anyone has any ideas about the whole Savannah getting all hyped thing, please comment and let me know.
You don't have to leave a name if you don't want to :-) I would really like to know what it was all about!

Elly. x

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