Sunday 4 August 2013


This morning we gave Rocco and Savannah a feed.
They were awake, up and about and I was too excited to wait until afternoon!

Rocco doesn't tend to eat a lot of Crested Gecko Diet, but it is so much better for him than baby food. SO, we mixed in a little bit of mango puree into the mixture, to make it taste better for him! This tempted him quite a bit, and it is the best we'd seen him eat.

Sadly, I didn't have my phone around whilst feeding Rocco to take any pictures of him eating.. :-(
BUT, I got some good pictures of Savannah!

We started her on the same Crested Gecko Diet and mango mix as Rocco had eaten. We began on a spoon, but Mum said that Dad had fed Savannah on the end of his finger and she had found it easier to eat. So we tried that.

What my parents said was true.. It really was incredible! Rocco has never eaten to the extent that Savannah did today.
She would have several laps of the food, and then randomly take large bites out of it. I could feel her little gums on my finger.

After we fed her a large amount of Crested Gecko Diet (we barely had to throw anything away!), we tried her with a good helping of pure mango puree.
Rocco goes crazy for this stuff, and Savannah seemed to like it too, but no more than the Crested Gecko Diet. This is good I suppose, because I know she won't constantly want the baby food like Rocco does.

She is such an enthusiastic eater, but so delicate about it and precise! Rocco is clumsy and messy and ALWAYS ends up with baby food all over his face. Savannah spent a lot of time cleaning herself, and she didn't need a lot of coaxing to eat.

I did take lots of pictures and a video, but sadly none of them quite caught her taking the bites. I got lots of cute snippets of her tongue though!

I'm so glad that she is eating so well, and I'm also so glad that my little man is eating better than he was.
I'll do as I usually do and post up the pictures now at the end.
Sorry I didn't get any of Rocco, but I hope Savannah makes you smile!

(Due to the lighting and my camera, Savannah looks much darker and more orange than she actually is! Savannah is golden even when fired up. I haven't been lying to you!)

Cute, right!?

Elly. x

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