Saturday 31 August 2013

Savannah's 'bed'!

Hi guys!
A less serious/business post now - an update on the adorable couple!

Rocco and Savannah have been doing brilliantly recently.
They've been eating very well, hunting on their own, and Savannah has shed since the last time I updated you. She's grown so much! Rocco we think is due a shed tonight, as his skin feels rough and baggy and he's a very pale white.

There's so many videos and pictures I'm desperate to show you, so I'm going to show them to you in sections.

Savannah's Bed

The geckos took a few days to find their way around the vivarium and discover the new attractions that awaited them. Now they're comfortable in their surroundings, they've once again found their favourite places in the vivarium.
Every single day when I go into the vivarium, I always struggle finding Rocco and I will find him hidden in different places. Savannah, however, I can guarantee will be in the same place. We now have a nickname for it, and call it her bed.

She found a pretty stand-up flower on the left of the vivarium I'd put there, which has two large cupped leaves. She'd climbed into the pouch, as she's so little, and hidden deep down in it towards the center of the flower. I can find her there every single day, all day.

I found one day that Rocco had joined Savannah! 

Look at them snuggled in their own little pouches. 

You can just see their little noses poking out from the front of the plant! What a brilliant hiding place. Kudos to Savannah! 

One day, I even found them upside-down! So funny! 

Here's Rocco's amazing hiding place. Haha! I always told you he was rubbish at hiding.
He looks so cool and streamlined! It's like he's about to dive. 

Here's a wet Savannah tucked in her pouch after a misting.


The other thing I really want to show you is the videos and pictures of Rocco and Savannah drinking.
They've really got into drinking water droplets after a misting recently. I don't know if the larger vivarium gives them more things to drink the water from, and now they can climb the glass easier it is probably a lot easier for them to drink from it. They have been drinking water droplets off of the glass, leaves, wood and plants!
It's absolutely adorable, and everytime I spray they are super eager for a drink, so I try to spray them and their surroundings directly. They always end up super covered in water droplets, yet for some reason they love it. It's like watching a pig in the mud.
Maybe I should make them a little paddling pool...

These pictures are truly awesome.
I'm not going to caption them, but seriously enjoy them. They're amazing.

Ah, got some really good pictures of Rocco this morning! They are SO sweet.
I hope you really enjoyed these pictures and videos - they are amazing. You can't get much better than that, other than an action jumping shot! They're difficult to snap.

Thanks again for reading!
Elly. x


  1. you should get a water bowl

    1. I have a water bowl, but they don't ever drink from it. Younger crested geckos don't tend to, so it's not unusual. I do try to encourage it, but so long as they're drinking anyway it's okay. I'm glad they've been drinking the water droplets!


Feel free to comment if you have any questions or anything to say!