Friday 9 August 2013

Important Notice

This is just a quick post directed at everybody.

A few people have been challenging some things I've said in my posts recently.
I've had a few people challenge me on housing Rocco and Savannah together, and others challenge me on feeding them baby food.

If people really are concerned about this, I would really appreciate it if they spoke to me in private. However, I can guarantee for you that I know precisely what I am doing. I'm doing everything the way it should be done and I have a lot of support and advice from reptile specialists.
Savannah may be a little bit smaller, but she is extremely healthy and in fact older than Rocco. Her calcium sacs are in perfect condition and very healthy, and she is growing really well at the moment. Neither of them are sexually mature just yet.
I know I missed it in the blog post, but I do understand about removing the male for a 'cooling-off' period at the end of the season.

I strive to do what is best for my geckos and I would appreciate it if people didn't challenge that.
I don't want people making me feel like what I'm doing is wrong, or commenting in such a way where others may not trust me with advising them any longer.
People have questioned my ways multiple times in the past few days, even those who are close to me, and it's made me feel pretty down about myself and my methods.

Thank you for your comments and I know some of you are just trying to help, but it is very patronising and I don't really appreciate the way it makes me feel.
I would love for you to comment and ask questions, just please do not comment in a way that makes me question whether what I am doing is right.

I can assure all of you I one hundred percent know what I am doing, and I only have the health and well-being of my geckos in mind.
Please, do not challenge that.

If you have any concerns about what I am doing, please privately message me.
You can contact me on google plus, or message me on any of the following addresses:

Thank you.

Elly. x

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