Tuesday 30 July 2013

Oh, to be a gecko!

I was cleaning out Rocco's vivarium this morning with my mum when I suddenly thought to myself.. How easy, to be a gecko!

Rocco's life is so simple.
If Rocco were a human, he'd be living in a heated, air-conditioned mansion.
He would never have to cook or go food shopping! His butler would see to that. Food would be prepared for him and fed to him by spoon.
He needn't even dream of cleaning for himself; his butler would see to that, too. Every day his home would be spot-cleaned here and there, and once a month cleared out and 'spring cleaned'.
Finding love would be simple - his butler would find him the perfect female to accompany him in his mansion, and he could mate with her until his heart's content.

(Here's my little Tigger enjoying life in his 'mansion'!)

I'm hoping to get Rocco properly sexed this week, although he might be a little bit young for it. I'm just so desperate to get another.

And, just to let you all know...
If 'he' is a 'she', she will become 'Tigger' permanently!

I'll post again soon and let you know about the sexing.
I'm off to see to my butler duties!

Elly. x

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